Are you seeking the Truth? Do you have a lot of questions or doubts about the Catholic faith? Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith?
Great Catholic Websites to
Have at Your Disposal
These websites are reliable sources of information about the Catholic Church and Her teachings, doctrines, practices, history, and identity. All of these websites are faithful to the Church and Her Magisterium (official teaching authority). For any questions, doubts, or concerns you may have about the Church or some aspect of Her teachings please consult these websites with an open mind and heart. They hopefully may answer many, if not all, of your questions. This list is non-exhaustive and there are many other resources that may be helpful but sometimes an online answer isn't enough: never hesitate to contact us to meet with a priest if you have questions about the faith.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Catholics Come Home (for Millennials)
Awesome new website for catechesis and apologetics run by the Magis Center for Reason and Faith.
Awesome, short catechetical and apologetical videos
Great resource for learning more about the Catholic faith from the perspective of converts
Catholic Education Resource Center
The Original Catholic Encyclopedia
Great website designed as a place of dialogue for Catholics and atheists
Magis Center for Reason and Faith
Lit – Catholicism for Young Adults
Awesome website dedicated to a greater understanding of Evolution in light of the Catholic faith
The Thomistic Institute: Aquinas101
Awesome new website dedicated to a greater understanding of philosophy and Catholicism according to St. Thomas Aquinas, who’s considered by the Magisterium to be one of the greatest Doctors of the Church
The Faith Movement - Advancing the Catholic Faith in the Modern World
Catholic Culture's Online Modern Catholic Dictionary
Formed: The Catholic Faith on Demand
Excellent resource with high quality videos about the Catholic faith: a gift from the parish
Enter Parish Code: CNWD7V
Started by Bishop Robert Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles
One of the most prominent Catholic philosophers in the U.S.
Wonderful resource to learn more about the teachings of the Church regarding
homosexuality and the nature and purpose of human sexuality
A fantastic website exploring gender ideology (transgenderism) from an authentically Catholic perspective
Catholic Answers – Chastity Outreach
This is a great website defending and explaining the Church’s teachings on
controversial issues surrounding human sexuality.
Excellent website that provides a great overview of the Church’s teachings on the
nature and purpose of human sexuality; great resources on Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Awesome new national apostolate run by young people that seeks to renew the culture
regarding the truth, goodness, and beauty of human dignity and sexuality
Excellent website that explores the Catholic perspective on death, grief, and end of life issues
Ecclesial, domestic, and international news from an authentically Catholic perspective
Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)
This list was compiled by Rev. Stephan Isaac, Diocese of Allentown, PA
Updated 3/10/21